Select crop Select crop Apple Apricot Barley Beans Cherries Citrus Field Peas Grapes Kiwifruit Lettuce Maize Nectarines Onions Peach Pear Plum Potato Pumpkin Roses Ryegrass Ryegrass - seed crops Squash Stone fruit Tamarillos Vegetable crops Wheat Select weed / disease / pest Select weed / disease / pest Alternaria brown spot Black spot Black spot (Anthracnose) Blossom blight Botrytis Botrytis fruit rot Brown rot Brown rust Citrus scab Common rust Crown rust Didymella leaf spot Downy mildew Ear disease complex Early blight Eyespot Glomerella Glume blotch Gummy stem blight Late blight Leaf rust Melanose Net blotch (spot & net form) Pink root Powdery mildew Ramularia leaf and awn spot Rhizopus Rust Scald Sclerotinia blossom and fruit rot Sclerotinia white mould Shot hole Sooty moulds Speckled leaf blotch Spot blotch Stem rust Stripe rust White rot