Select crop Select crop Apple Brambles Cereals Citrus Clover - seed crops Dwarf Beans Dwarf Green Beans Feijoas Field Peas Fodder beet Forage brassicas Grapes Grass seed crops Kale Kiwifruit Leeks Lucerne Maize Non-crop areas Onions Pasture Pear Pome fruit Potato Rape Raspberries Soya beans Squash Stale seedbed preparation Stone fruit Sugar beet Swede Sweetcorn Tamarillos Turf grass Turnip Select weed / disease / pest Select weed / disease / pest Annual poa Apple of Peru Asparagus seedlings Barnyard grass Beaked hawksbeard Black nightshade Bracken Bristle grass Broad-leaved dock (seedling) Broadleaf docks (seedling) Broom Bur medick Buttercups Butterprint (velvetleaf) Calandrinia Cat's ear Catchfly Chamomile Chamomiles Charlock Chewing's Fescue Chickweed Cleavers Clover Clover seedlings Clovers Cornbind Cornbind Couch Crowfoot grass Curled dock Cut-leaved geranium Daisy Dandelion Dock Docks Dove's foot Fathen Fennel Field madder Field pansy Fleabane Fumitory Galinsoga Gorse Groundsel Hairy buttercups Hawksbeard Hedge mustard Henbit Indian doab Kikuyu grass Large flowered mallow Mallows Mayweeds Meadow rice grass Mouse-ear chickweed Musky storksbill Nettle Nodding thistle Onehunga weed Parsley Piert Paspalum Pasture Penny cress Pink shamrock Plantains Prairie grass Primocane control Rape Rayless Chamomile Redroot Redroot (Prince of Wales feather) Rough bristle grass Rough-stalked meadow grass Rushes Ryegrass Scarlet pimpernel Scotch thistle Scrambling speedwell Sedges Seedling dock Seedling docks Sheep's sorrel Shephard's purse Shepherd's purse Smooth witch grass Smooth witchgrass Sorrel Sow thistle Speedwell Speedwells Spurrey Staggerweed Stinking mayweed Storksbill Strawberry Subterranean clover Summer grass Tall Fescue Tall willow herb Thorn apple Twin cress Variegated thistle Water purslane Weeds Welted thistle White clover Wild carrots Wild oats Wild radish Wild strawberry Wild turnip Willow herb Willow weed Winged thistle Winter cress Wireweed Yarrow Yellow bristle grass Yorkshire Fog