The past 2 years have been tough for dairy farmers and related industries but now, at last, the future looks brighter! With higher milk prices, now is the time to consider replacing some of your old and worn out pastures. Establish your new pasture with quality seed, treated with Poncho® and see your investment grow.
Three ways Poncho increases your profit!
Pests can destroy newly sown pasture as you watch!

1. Newly sown pasture can be attacked by Argentine Stem Weevil (ASW), Grass Grub and Black Beetle
These pests have a voracious appetite for young grass and if not treated all are capable of preventing pasture establishment. Use Poncho treated seed to control all three pests while pasture is establishing.

2. Poncho treated pastures are more vigorous
Compare a Poncho treated crop with an untreated crop and the difference is clear. Poncho treated grass grows quicker and reaches the first cut earlier. Never used Poncho on your farm? Why not treat part of a paddock and see the difference yourself?

3. Poncho treated pastures yield more
The rapid early growth of Poncho treated seed results in a higher yield.
Three reasons to use Poncho

1. Poncho’s protective halo
Pests do not recover from Poncho. They either come into contact with the protective halo around the seed or through eating the Poncho protected plant. Either way they are controlled.

2. Poncho is so convenient
No special equipment is required to drill the treated seed and there will be no empty containers to dispose of.

3. Poncho and endophytes work together
The endophytes found in modern varieties of pasture grasses are very effective at controlling pests but they need time to establish in newly emerged grass. This leaves the grass vulnerable to pest attack. Poncho prevents the pests attacking and protects valuable grass seed while the endophytes establish.
How it works
Poncho® is released from the seed immediately after sowing, forming a protective halo around the seed, that is then taken up from the halo as the seed germinates, and is transported in the sap-flow throughout the plant to deliver root to tip protection.
Poncho acts as a contact poison, stomach poison, antifeedant and repellent against Argentine stem weevil, Grass grub and Black beetle and aphids in cereals. Please see below for Poncho crop suitability.
Crop suitability
Aphids -
Forage brassicas
Argentine stem weevilSpringtailsWheat bug -
Grass seed crops
Argentine stem weevilBlack beetleGrass grub larvae -
Argentine stem weevilBlack beetleGreasy cutworm -
Argentine stem weevilBlack beetleGreasy cutworm -
Argentine stem weevilGrass grub larvae
Questions and Answers from the Field
Are springtails harmful to seeds?
Springtails are harmful to seeds, which is why it’s important to use a proven, highly effective insecticide such as BASF’s Poncho seed treatment insecticide. Poncho provides broad spectrum protection against attack by above and below ground pests, and is recommended for forage brassica crops to protect against springtails.
Can pesticides be applied on seeds?
Pesticides can be applied on seeds. BASF’s Poncho seed treatment insecticide forms a protective halo to repel soil-borne insect pests and is a highly effective for a number of pests and crops, including maize, sweetcorn, cereal, forage brassica and grass seeds.
Do we have cutworms in NZ?
There are greasy cutworms in NZ. To effectively protect against cutworms, use BASF’s Poncho insecticide on maize and sweetcorn crops. Poncho is a convenient and powerful seed treatment insecticide against cutworms that leads to healthy, higher yield crops.
How do you control aphids in crops?
To control aphids in crops, use BASF’s Poncho seed treatment insecticide. Poncho is a highly effective insecticide that recommended for use in cereal crops. Poncho is released from the seed immediately after sowing, forming a protective halo that is then transported in the sap-flow throughout the plant to deliver root to tip protection against aphids in crops.
How do you treat wheat seeds with insecticide?
To treat wheat seeds with insecticide, apply BASF’s Poncho seed treatment insecticide. Poncho provides spectrum protection against attack by above and below ground pests, and is recommended for wheat seeds crops to protect against Argentine stem weevil and grass grub larvae. Poncho should be applied to high quality, undamaged wheat seeds through a properly calibrated seed treatment machine.
What are the chemicals used for seed treatment of maize?
The chemicals that are used for seed treatment of maize in BASF’s Poncho seed treatment insecticide is clothianidin. Poncho is a highly effective seed treatment for maize as it provides broad spectrum protection against attack by above and below ground pests and leads to healthy, high yield crops.
What is insecticidal seed treatment?
Insecticidal seed treatment is an effective method for preventing pests from attacking crops. In particular, BASF’s Poncho seed treatment insecticide is highly effective for a variety of crops, including maize, sweetcorn, cereal, forage brassicas and grass seeds.